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    Elon Musk Slams Warsaw Mayor’s Cross Ban: “How embarrassing”

    Billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk has used his platform,, to criticize Warsaw Mayor Rafał Trzaskowski’s recent decree banning crosses in municipal offices. The decision, which simultaneously promotes LGBTQ rights, has not only sparked a national debate but has also drawn international ire.

    Mayor Trzaskowski recently signed a directive that forbids the display of crosses in municipal offices. This restriction extends to any religious symbols on employees’ desks. “Everyone has the right to their faith (or lack thereof). This includes public officials. And anyone who comes to a municipal office should feel like they are in a neutral environment. It’s that simple,” Trzaskowski explained in defence of his controversial decision.

    Musk’s Response: “How embarrassing”

    The decree has quickly garnered attention from international media. The Free Speech Union pointed out, “In addition to restricting freedom of speech, the mayor has also taken steps to bolster LGBTQ rights in the city. Officials are now required to respect individuals’ preferred pronouns.” This has inevitably stirred the pot.

    Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla and, responded to a post citing the article, casting a critical eye on Trzaskowski’s decree. His comment was straightforward and dismissive: ” They are shamelessly copying stupid things from America. How embarrassing.”

    This incident highlights the escalating clash between traditional values and progressive policies. Many see Trzaskowski’s move as an attempt to erase Poland’s deep-rooted Christian heritage. Critics argue that it undermines the nation’s cultural and religious identity, all under the guise of so-called neutrality.

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