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First Lady Agata Kornhauser-Duda reads with preschoolers and teaches about charity

As an important part of educational work, First Lady Agata Kornhauser-Duda met with children of Warsaw kindergarten No. 140. They read fairy tales and talked about everyday life in preschool and charity.

On Friday, First Lady invited the children to listen to the fairy tale and talk about sensitivity to the needs of others. While reading, the children learned how to find a way to resolve conflicts and overcome shyness, and they willingly shared their observations.

It is important to cultivate the value of helping others

A significant part of educational work in kindergarten is charity. The children told about the fairs where they sell their own works, and the proceeds of which were donated to Christmas packages for those in need. The children also help animals and disadvantaged people.

Motivations to undertake volunteering activities were also the subject of a later meeting. It was attended by eighth graders cooperating with the institution. Young people emphasized that the time spent with preschoolers is a pleasure for them and a form of self-development and broadening horizons. First Lady asked volunteers about preparations for the eighth-grader exam and plans related to further education.

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