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    First Lady of Poland visits Mongolian Down Syndrome Association, highlights importance of supporting people with disabilities

    Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

    During her official visit to Mongolia, Agata Kornhauser-Duda, the First Lady of Poland, and Luvsandorj Bolortsetseg, the First Lady of Mongolia, visited the headquarters of the Mongolian Down Syndrome Association (DSAM) in Ulaanbaatar on Tuesday. Poland supported the functioning of the center as part of Mongolia’s development assistance program, the Small Grants Program of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The center has been providing care for children with Down syndrome, supporting their parents, and organizing vocational training for 15 years. As part of community-based rehabilitation, the center’s wards undergo internships in hotels, and they run a café in the center of Ulaanbaatar.

    The First Lady familiarized herself with the operations of the facility co-funded through the Small Grants Program by the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Association also collaborates with the Polish Society of Friends of Children. During the meeting with the center’s wards, they discussed their interests, daily activities, and vocational activation for independent living. A lot of attention was given to the preparations for the Special Olympics World Summer Games 2023 in Berlin, as among the wards are members of the Mongolian Paralympic team.

    The President of Poland’s wife also viewed the works created during the drawing competition “My Poland, which I know” and awarded the participants. She expressed hope for the possibility of another meeting with the wards of the Association, who will visit Poland this fall as part of an international exchange program. Agata Kornhauser-Duda, who is engaged in supporting people with disabilities, congratulated the authorities and staff of the center on creating the first such institution in Mongolia. She emphasized that the initiative is extremely necessary, and its results, allowing intellectually disabled people to lead as independent and happy life as possible, are priceless.

    This visit is a significant step towards building stronger ties between Poland and Mongolia. The support provided by Poland through the Small Grants Program demonstrates the country’s commitment to promoting the well-being of people with disabilities in Mongolia. It is encouraging to see that the Mongolian Down Syndrome Association has been providing care and support for children with Down syndrome for 15 years, and the vocational training provided by the center prepares them for a more fulfilling life. This visit serves as a reminder of the importance of promoting inclusivity and supporting people with disabilities, which is crucial for building a fairer and more just society.

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