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Theses of the Commission’s Report on Investigating Russian Influences: FSB, SKW, Tusk…

The theses of the partial report of the commission on Russian influences were presented by its head, Sławomir Cenckiewicz, and its member, General Andrzej Kowalski. The commission established, among other things, beyond any doubt, that the Military Counterintelligence Service (SKW) succumbed to Russian influences, that there was Russian influence on Polish counterintelligence, and that, with the consent of Prime Minister Donald Tusk, an agreement was signed between SKW and the FSB.

Here are the key theses presented by General Andrzej Kowalski, the head of SKW from 2015 to 2020, regarding the collaboration between SKW and FSB in the years 2010-2014.

  1. The Military Counterintelligence Service, as an institution whose fundamental task is to protect the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland from threats posed by foreign intelligence services, succumbed to the influences of the Russian Federation.
  2. Yielding to the influences of the Federal Security Service, with the permission of the state leadership, including the approval of Prime Minister Donald Tusk for cooperation with the FSB, the head of SKW, Brigadier General Janusz Nosek, with the participation of his subordinates, including Brigadier General Piotr Pietro and Colonel Krzysztof Dusza, intensified contacts with the FSB since 2010, leading to the signing of the Agreement between the Military Counterintelligence Service of the Republic and the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation on cooperation and collaboration in the field of military counterintelligence in St. Petersburg on September 13, 2013.
  3. Between April 2010 and 2011, cooperation with the FSB was conducted without the formal consent of the Prime Minister and confirmed in the documents’ knowledge of the Minister of National Defense.
  4. The Commission confirms the validity of the accusations made in December 2017 by the District Prosecutor’s Office in Warsaw, Military Division VIII, against the leadership of SKW that the full extent of the cooperation, encompassing a wider scope than proposed, was concealed from the Prime Minister.
  5. The 2013 Agreement was detrimental to the interests of the Republic of Poland, also in terms of conflicting with the obligations of the Republic to NATO.

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