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    Fuel Prices on the Rise

    Fuel prices have spiked sharply, leading to increased costs for drivers at gas stations across Poland, reports on Wednesday. According to the portal, in recent days, fuel prices at stations have risen by 6 groszy per liter.

    In its latest price report, notes that the average national price for 95-octane gasoline has reached 5.99 PLN per liter, diesel is priced at 6.05 PLN per liter, and autogas stands at 2.97 PLN per liter.

    The report reveals that the cheapest 95-octane gasoline and diesel can be found in Lower Silesia, where average prices are 5.89 PLN and 5.98 PLN per liter, respectively. In the Łódź region, autogas is the most affordable at 2.91 PLN per liter.

    Conversely, the highest prices are reported in the Kuyavian-Pomeranian region for 95-octane gasoline, averaging 6.12 PLN per liter, and in Podlasie for diesel, where prices reach 6.15 PLN per liter. Opole records the highest price for autogas at 3.04 PLN per liter.

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