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    Fugitive Captured by Police After Chase

    Police officers successfully apprehended a 31-year-old man sought by the Tarnowskie Góry court with two arrest warrants yesterday. The fugitive, upon realizing the approaching law enforcement, likely hoped to evade the authorities and escape serving his sentence. However, his attempt to flee came to an abrupt end as a foot chase concluded with a visit to the police station and subsequent arrest.

    The incident unfolded on Wyszyńskiego Street in Tarnowskie Góry during a routine police patrol. They spotted a man believed to be the subject of an active search. When the officers approached, the man quickly grasped the situation and made a run for it. Swiftly exiting their patrol car, the officers pursued the fugitive on foot, capturing him after a brief chase of several dozen meters.

    The apprehended individual was identified as a 31-year-old resident of Tarnowskie Góry, wanted since July with two arrest warrants issued against him. The Tarnogór court had already sentenced him, leading to his immediate transfer to custody. The fugitive is now set to spend the next 8 months behind bars, fulfilling the legal consequences of his actions. The police’s vigilance and swift response have once again demonstrated their commitment to ensuring public safety and upholding the rule of law.

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