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    Gas explosion in a tenement building in Katowice

    The search operation after a gas explosion at Bednorza Street in Katowice-Szopienice has ended. Seven people were pulled out from under the rubble, including three children. In the afternoon, rescuers found the bodies of two women. An investigation into the explosion was launched by the District Prosecutor’s Office in Katowice.

    The tragic explosion occurred on Friday at around 8.30 am. Initially, it appeared that all the people in the building at the time of the explosion had emerged unscathed, some with non-life-threatening injuries. It was later established that two other people were living in the rectory of the Evangelical-Augsburg parish: a mother and daughter. A search was launched. Rescuers came across the body of the first woman in the rubble at around 12.30 pm, the body of the second was found more than two hours later.

    There are three people in hospitals: it is a man in stable condition at the Burn Treatment Centre in Siemianowice Śląskie and two girls – sisters aged 3 and 5 treated at the Upper Silesian Children’s Health Centre in Katowice. The children have injuries to their limbs, head and slight burns. 

    The explosion was so powerful that windows were blown out in nearby houses. A special primary school and a food technical school were heavily affected.

    Firefighters rescued a dog

    While searching through the debris in Katowice, firefighters found a dog. The animal was treated and taken into the care of a vet. The dog was retrieved a few hours after the explosion. The State Fire Brigade posted information about the rescued four-legged friend on Facebook. It also published photos of the pet, scared and dirty from the dust.

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