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German Meddling: Threatening Polish Prosperity and Autonomy

In a recent article published in “Gazeta Polska,” Hubert Kowalski sheds light on the concerted efforts by German local authorities and environmental organizations, backed by German entities, to obstruct key Polish investments. The focal points of their opposition are the Turów mine and the proposed container port in Świnoujście. These simultaneous actions by German local authorities and activists pose a significant threat to strategic Polish investments.

The Turów mine, a crucial source of energy for Poland, faces challenges from both German activists and local authorities. The Regional Administrative Court in Warsaw invalidated the environmental decision regarding the continuation of coal mining in Turów. This ruling raises the spectre of the mine’s closure after 2026, potentially necessitating energy imports from Germany.

German Influence Threatens Polish Energy Security and Infrastructure Development

Kowalski reveals the intricate network behind the protests against the Turów mine, involving German foundations such as Grassroots Foundation Warendorf, Olin Gemeinnutzige GmbH, and Good Move GmbH, along with the European Climate Foundation (ECF) and Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe from Brussels. Among the sponsors of this coalition is the Robert Bosch Foundation, which acquired assets during World War II through the forced labour of Polish slaves and contracts from the German armaments industry.

The German activism and opposition extend beyond the Turów mine to the container port project in Świnoujście, designed to accommodate oceanic vessels on intercontinental routes. The German city of Zittau has lodged a complaint against Turów’s operations with the European Commission. Furthermore, Saxony’s Minister of Justice, Katja Meier, originating from the Green Party, has commissioned a legal opinion to examine the compatibility of Turów’s continued operations with Polish law.

Unveiling the Menace: German Obstructionism Imperils Polish Investments and Sovereignty

Kowalski underscores that these actions pose a grave threat to Polish investments and represent an attempt to impose an environmental policy on Poland that disregards its interests.

The article by Hubert Kowalski in “Gazeta Polska” is essential reading for those seeking to understand the truth behind German actions detrimental to the Polish economy and to comprehend the mechanisms driving these attacks. 

This investigative report exposes the intricacies of German obstructionism and its implications for Polish economic development. As Poland navigates these challenges, understanding the motivations and actors behind such opposition becomes paramount.

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