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    Honouring the Sacrifice of Polish Villages: National Day of the Fight and Martyrology

    Every July 12th, Poland solemnly observes the National Day of the Fight and Martyrology of Polish Villages, a day set aside to remember the tragic events that devastated Michniów in 1943. Established in 2017, this day honours the memory of villagers who suffered immensely during World War II.

    The tragic massacre in Michniów was the catalyst for this National Day of Remembrance. On July 12, 1943, German forces, acting on tips from informers about the villagers’ connections to guerrilla fighters, brutally murdered 102 residents. The violence continued the next day, with Michniów completely obliterated—every house and utility building burned to the ground, forcing the survivors to seek refuge in surrounding villages.

    The massacre of Michniów has since become a symbol of the suffering endured by the Polish peasantry during the war. The systematic destruction and violence inflicted upon the village were part of a broader strategy of repression against civilians in the area, showcasing the cruel and indiscriminate nature of the occupation.

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