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Law and Justice Party Leads in Exit Polls for Poland’s Parliamentary Elections

In a preliminary analysis of Poland’s parliamentary elections, the Law and Justice party (PiS), the nation’s current ruling party, has emerged as the frontrunner, securing 36.8 percent of the vote, according to an Ipsos exit poll conducted in collaboration with both public and private TV stations.

Challenging PiS for the nation’s political helm is the centrist Civic Coalition (KO), spearheaded by the Civic Platform (PO) party. The exit poll results indicate that KO has garnered 31.6 percent of the vote, marking them as the primary competition in these closely watched elections.

Adding further nuance to the political landscape are The Third Way, which claimed 13 percent of the preliminary vote share, the New Left with 8.6 percent, and the far-right Confederation party with 6.2 percent. These outcomes showcase a diverse range of political ideologies among the Polish electorate.

These preliminary exit poll results provide an early snapshot of the public’s political leanings and preferences. However, it’s important to note that these results are subject to confirmation as the official results are tabulated.


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