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Life sentence for murderer of Gdansk mayor

“Stefan Wilmot committed an unprecedented murder in Poland’s history,” Judge Aleksandra Kaczmarek said while presenting the justification of the verdict.

On January 13, 2019, Adamowicz was fatally stabbed at a charity concert in Gdansk. Wilmot was apprehended at the location of the incident. Adamowicz succumbed to his injuries the following day in a hospital.

The alleged murderer’s attack was witnessed live on television, leaving Poland in shock.

Wilmot was sentenced to life in prison after a three-year-long investigation and a year-long trial which ended at a Gdansk court on Thursday.

The court chose to disclose Wilmot’s full name and image in light of “the public nature of the offence and the public’s interest in the entire situation.”

Wilmot also wanted his last name to be published; waving the right to anonymity Polish law affords to those on trial in Poland.

Wilmot was determined to be eligible for parole after 40 years in prison by the court.


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