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Majority of Polish Citizens See Ukraine War as a Threat to Poland

In a recent poll conducted by CBOS, it was revealed that a significant majority of the Polish public, 74 percent to be precise, perceive the war in Ukraine as a threat to the security of Poland. The survey, carried out through a mixed-mode procedure between November 3 and 16, included responses from 1,072 adult residents of Poland.

Contrastingly, 19 percent of respondents held the opposing view, considering the Ukraine conflict not to be a threat to Poland. Among those who viewed the war as a threat, 29 percent categorized it as a “definite” threat, while 45 percent regarded it as “somewhat” of a threat. The 74 percent expressing concern marked an increase from the 67 percent reported in a similar survey conducted in October, challenging a previously observed declining trend.

The perception of the threat varied among demographic groups, with women (76 percent) more likely to see it as a threat compared to men (71 percent). Similarly, older respondents (77 percent in the oldest age group) were more inclined to view the war as a threat, contrasting with 66 percent among those aged 25-34.

CBOS also noted a growth in public support for accepting refugees from Ukraine, with 62 percent in favor in November compared to 57 percent the previous month. Interestingly, 33 percent of respondents mentioned that either they or a member of their household had voluntarily assisted Ukrainian refugees, a notable decline from the 63 percent reported in April.

Interestingly, consistent with findings six months prior, 42 percent of the public believed the war would not escalate to other countries, while nearly one in three (31 percent) believed otherwise.

This poll provides valuable insights into the shifting perceptions and attitudes of the Polish public towards the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, highlighting both increased concerns about security and evolving sentiments regarding refugee assistance.


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