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    MEP Tarczynski condemns violence in France, calling it terrorism

    Law and Justice MEP Dominik Tarczynski expressed his grave concerns regarding the recent disturbing events in France, denouncing the European Union’s open borders policy. Through a series of tweets, he shared shocking video footage that shed light on the situation.

    “This is no longer a riot. This is terrorism. Is this what Ochojska and Tusk really want?” – wrote Dominik Tarczynski.

    According to Economy and Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire, the riots in France since Wednesday have resulted in extensive damage. Around 250 bank branches, a dozen shopping centers, approximately 200 large retail stores, 250 tobacco shops, numerous clothing and sportswear shops, and fast food outlets have been targeted and vandalized.

    Minister Le Maire pledged government assistance for the affected businesses and service providers in response to the destruction. This support will encompass tax reductions, relief in social security contributions, and expedited insurance compensation payments.

    “The attack on a police station,” reads the tweet.

    Minister Le Maire strongly condemned the riots as “inexcusable” and reiterated his commitment to restoring law and order. Emphasizing the importance of a nation upholding order, he called for immediate action to address the ongoing unrest. At this stage, it remains difficult to assess the full extent of the damage caused by the nationwide riots that have unfolded since Tuesday. Reports of fresh losses, fires, and further damages continue to emerge.

    Recent incidents include the burning down of the Persan town hall during the riots, the looting of a bookshop in Lens, the destruction of the media center and McDonald’s restaurants in Lorraine, and the pelting of fireworks and vandalism at the mayor’s office in Pontoise.

    “Cultural enrichment” – he added.

    The situation in France has escalated beyond a mere riot. These distressing developments have prompted widespread concern and reinforced the need for effective measures to restore peace and stability in the country.

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