Covered by PGE’s patronage, the National Museum in Lublin holds meetings for schoolchildren as part of the “Encounters with Art” competition organised by the PGE Foundation. The idea of the competition was to promote culture in small towns. Its aim was also to enable children attending schools that are far away from large cities to encounter art. In December, pupils from four schools visited the Lublin Museum.
Art for everyone
The competition task was to present their interpretation of a selected painting by a Polish painter. It referred to works in the National Museum in Warsaw, the National Museum in Lublin, and the National Museum in Krakow.
The competition was aimed at pupils in the first to eighth grades of primary schools located in towns with fewer than 50,000 inhabitants. The idea was to enable children who, because of their place of residence, have more difficult access to art and culture venues to encounter art.
Prizes awaited the winners, including trips to the National Museum in Warsaw, Lublin or Krakow, participation in a museum lesson, vouchers to the value of PLN 300 to be used in the Empik shop for the authors of the winning works, and access to the winning works as part of exhibitions at museums.
The creative youth
In the end, more than 500 exceptional interpretations of paintings by Polish artists were submitted, from which the competition jury selected 90 extraordinary works. Systematically, the winners and their classes take part in museum lessons. The first excursions took place at the end of November and will continue until the end of March.
In December, the National Museum in Lublin invited students from four schools to visit. Children from schools in Dębinki, Trąbki, Stężyca and Stoczek Łukowski had the opportunity to visit, interact with art and participate in extremely interesting lessons.
The victorious entries of the ‘Encounters with Art’ competition can be viewed here.
PGE supports culture
The art competition was educational and informative. The main aim was to develop artistic imagination inspired by Polish painting and to support the activities and creative potential of children and young people. The idea was to promote knowledge of Polish painting and to enable children from smaller towns and villages to encounter art.
PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna is a patron of 20 cultural institutions throughout Poland and, as part of its support for culture, various activities are carried out to disseminate it, encourage participation in and enjoyment of culture, seek inspiration in it and shape the imagination.