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    PGE supports Green Railway in Poland

    In Poland, the Green Railway project aims to achieve climate neutrality in the power industry and the transport sector. In the long run, the Polish railroad will be powered entirely by clean energy. Climate neutrality by 2050 is one of PGE’s strategic goals.

    The entities that declared their participation in the Green Railway program perform 22% of freight transport and 34% of passenger transport annually in Poland.

    The Law and Justice ruling political party has been investing and strengthening the Polish economy for seven years. The acquisition of PKP Energetyka by the PGE Group is an extremely important moment for the Polish energy sector and for the entire Polish economy.

    “The transaction is expected to close on April 3, subject to approval by Poland’s competition watchdog and the Minister of State Assets. It also depends on conclusion of a court case brought by rail operator PKP PLK in 2016 to dispute PKP Energetyka’s original privatisation.”


    In addition, the Polish government contributes to solving environmental issues and transparency in the areas of power and transport. It is aimed to entice companies to take even greater measures to limit the negative impact and to apply best practices.

    Switching by the rail transport to electricity sourced from RES is an opportunity to meet the
    requirements in a relatively short time that are posed by the megatrends prevailing in the globalized
    economic reality, social expectations, EU plans for post-covid economic reconstruction as well as
    strategies and plans to reduce CO2 emissions that have arisen at national and regional levels. The
    Green Railway Program created by entities from the railway industry gathered at the Railway Energy
    Efficiency Center (Polish: "Centrum Efektywności Energetycznej Kolei – CEEK"), assumes a change in
    the origin of traction electricity used by railway carriers in Poland. In 2030, 85% of it is to come from
    Renewable Energy Sources and ultimately 100%.

    The importance of the Green Railway for the decarbonisation of one of the important sectors of the domestic economy, its economic, technological and social potential as well as its importance in the context of the challenges posed by EU legislation make this programme one of the key elements of the Polish state’s policy contribute to solving environmental issues.

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