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    Poland Supports Ukraine’s Path to NATO Membership, Advisor Says

    An advisor to the Polish president has emphasized that Ukraine should follow a similar path to NATO membership as Finland and Sweden did. Marcin Przydacz, the head of the president’s International Policy Bureau, expressed Poland’s favorable stance on Ukraine’s NATO aspirations in an interview with the regional newspaper ‘Polska Metropolia Warszawska’. While acknowledging the necessity of proper conditions for Ukraine’s membership, Przydacz highlighted that the country’s ongoing conflict with Russia currently hinders its immediate accession.

    Przydacz proposed an elevation of NATO-Ukraine relations from the Commission to the Council, granting Ukraine the right to hold joint meetings with the North Atlantic Council. He underlined the importance of providing Ukraine with a clear pathway to the Alliance, akin to the trajectory that Finland and Sweden followed. Stressing that the decision to accept Ukraine into NATO should be a political one involving all allies and Ukraine itself, Przydacz maintained that it requires careful consideration.

    Looking ahead to the upcoming NATO summit in Vilnius, Przydacz expressed Poland’s aspirations for specific decisions that prioritize the reinforcement of Poland’s and the entire region’s security. Additionally, he noted that the summit should address potential future accessions of countries to the alliance.


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