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    Poland to host French training for Ukrainian soldiers

    France will send 150 instructors to Poland to train Ukrainian forces as part of a European Union mission of military support to Ukraine, the Polish foreign ministry has said.

    The EU set up the Military Assistance Mission Ukraine (EUMAM Ukraine) in October 2022 with an initial target of training 15,000 soldiers in centres in EU Member States.

    The mission is commanded by Vice-Admiral Herve Blejean. One of the two operational commands is located in Zagan, Poland, and the other in Germany.

    “Within the European Union Military Assistance Mission in support of Ukraine (EUMAM Ukraine) France is going to send 150 soldiers to Poland. Under the supervision of located in Poland Mission’s operational command – Combined Arms Training Command (CAT-C) – they will train Ukrainians,” the foreign ministry’s spokesman, Łukasz Jasina, wrote on Twitter on Thursday.


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