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    Poland’s Commitment to Climate Transformation and Global Energy Summit

    Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

    Poland, at the International Climate and Energy Summit, reaffirms its commitment to a just energy transformation, emphasizing nuclear and renewables.

    Poland, represented by Deputy Minister Adam Guibourgé-Czetwertyński, actively participated in the International Climate and Energy Summit hosted by Teresa Ribera Rodriguez, the Minister for Ecological Transformation and Demographic Challenges, and Dr. Fatih Birol, Executive Director of the International Energy Agency. This significant event took place on October 2, 2023, in Madrid.

    Poland’s Stance on Climate Transformation:

    Poland remains steadfast in its support for an effective and equitable climate transformation that takes into account the economic development pace of each nation while emphasizing social considerations. The country’s climate aspirations and goals for 2025 are ambitious but prioritize avoiding increased costs for its citizens. Deputy Minister Guibourgé-Czetwertyński emphasized that achieving these climate goals must not diminish the quality of life for the population.

    Key Objectives of the High-Level Summit:

    The primary aim of the summit was to prepare for COP28 in Dubai, sending a strong signal to global decision-makers that the 1.5°C target is attainable. Additionally, the meeting facilitated the first global progress assessment toward the Paris Agreement’s goals. It also served as a platform for dialogue, sharing national experiences, and giving the energy sector a voice in climate action leading up to COP28 and beyond.

    Investment in Clean Energy:

    Poland is committed to investing in zero-emission and environmentally friendly nuclear energy as a stable energy source complemented by renewables. Effective support frameworks, including financial aid and straightforward legislation, are deemed essential for achieving these goals. Transparent and coordinated actions aligned with the objectives are crucial.

    Discussion Highlights:

    During the climate and energy summit in Madrid, sessions involved ministerial discussions and open dialogues with government representatives, industry stakeholders, and civil society. The central question addressed was how to collaboratively work towards a just energy transformation to maintain the 1.5°C target.

    Continued Collaboration:

    Ministers discussed further cooperation for a fair transformation and ways to achieve global renewable energy goals. They also explored the continuation of efforts for efficient energy systems while considering individual economic contexts.

    Poland’s active involvement in the International Climate and Energy Summit reflects its commitment to climate action that balances environmental concerns with socio-economic factors. The nation’s dedication to a sustainable and equitable future aligns with global efforts to combat climate change.

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