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    Poles Support Introducing “Road Homicide” Law for Drunk Drivers

    A recent survey by IBRiS for Radio ZET reveals that nearly 85% of Poles are in favor of incorporating the concept of “road homicide” into Polish law. This would apply to drivers causing fatal accidents under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Opposition to the idea remains marginal, with just over 10% of respondents disagreeing.

    Widespread Public Support

    More than half of the respondents (56.1%) “strongly agreed” with the idea, while another 28.5% “somewhat agreed.” Notably, no one expressed strong opposition to the proposal, and only 10.4% “somewhat disagreed.” Around 5% of participants were undecided.

    The poll indicates strong cross-political support for the change. Among voters for the ruling PiS party and its ally, Confederation, 47% “strongly agree,” and another 46% “somewhat agree.” The idea garnered even more enthusiasm from opposition supporters, with 86% expressing strong agreement.

    The survey was conducted between September 27-28 using CATI methodology on a national sample of 1,100 participants.

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