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    Polish gov’t takes over Russian Gazprom’s shares in Polish pipeline owner

    Due to sanctions on Moscow, the Polish government has taken over Russian natural gas giant Gazprom’s stake in EuRoPol Gaz, owner of the Polish section of the Yamal-Europe pipeline.

    The minister of development and technology has established, at the request of the head of the Internal Security Agency (ABW), a temporary compulsory administration over all Gazprom shares in EuRoPol Gaz, the ministry said in a Monday press release.

    On April 26, to increase pressure on Moscow over its invasion of Ukraine, the Polish government froze Gazprom’s rights to shares and dividends on shares in EuRoPol Gaz, in which the Russian giant has a 48-per cent stake.

    Subsequently, the Russian company stopped deliveries to Poland on April 27 quoting Russian President Vladimir Putin’s decree that ordered payments for Russian gas be made in roubles, a demand Poland rejected.

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