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    Polish Military Reports Missing Missile Fuse Following Helicopter Security Operation

    General Command of the Armed Forces made a noteworthy announcement on Thursday regarding a missile fuse loss during a helicopter security operation flight undertaken by the Polish military.

    In a formal statement released to the public, the General Command expressed, “We deem it necessary to keep the public informed about the ongoing intensive operations being conducted by the Polish Army along the Belarusian border to ensure enhanced security measures.” The disclosure came after a comprehensive series of reconnaissance flights on Tuesday. Subsequent to these aerial maneuvers, it was discovered that one of the helicopters involved in a critical patrol mission along the border was lacking a vital fuse for one of its missiles.

    It’s worth noting that the absence of the detonator does not pose an immediate threat to civilians due to its inherent safety features. Additionally, the flight route primarily traversed the border region and did not extend over populated areas. To further emphasize the safe nature of the situation, the General Command urged anyone who stumbles upon the missing fuse to carefully mark its location and promptly inform either the nearest military unit or law enforcement agency.

    The General Command assured the public that exhaustive efforts are underway to recover the missing device. The statement acknowledged that such incidents can arise during military operations, drawing parallels to past occurrences, including instances in Afghanistan, where equipment items were misplaced following combat missions.


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