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Polish Museum Stands Firm Amid Chinese Embassy’s Protest Against Dissident Artist Exhibition

Despite strong objections from the Chinese embassy, an upcoming exhibition featuring the work of Chinese dissident artist Badiucao will proceed as planned at the Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art in Warsaw. Titled ‘Tell China’s Story Well’, the exhibition showcases Badiucao’s diverse body of work, including political cartoons, installations, street art, and performances, all of which vehemently condemn human rights abuses and the suppression of free speech in China.

The Chinese authorities took notice of the exhibition during its previous showing in Prague, and similar pressure is now being exerted in Warsaw, according to Piotr Bernatowicz, the director of the art centre. “We are witnessing a recurring pattern,” he stated. “Shortly after the announcement of the exhibition, a high-ranking official from the Chinese Embassy paid us a visit, demanding its cancellation. Letters are also being sent to the Culture Ministry, insisting that the exhibition be prevented from opening.”

Bernatowicz expressed his firm opposition to the Chinese Embassy’s attempts to halt Badiucao’s exhibition. He revealed that the art centre in Prague hosting the exhibition had faced similar pressure, leading to their website being blocked in China immediately after the announcement of the exhibition.

Herę you can find the Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art statement.

Reacting to the news of the Chinese embassy’s interference, Badiucao emphasized, “This is not the first time that the Chinese government has tried to ‘silence’ my exhibition.”

The exhibition’s title, “Tell China’s Story Well,” references China’s public diplomacy strategy and was coined by President Xi Jinping in 2013.

Badiucao, known for his online activism, gained international recognition for his protest art, which resonated strongly on social media platforms. His thought-provoking graphics and illustrations often employ ironic references to communist propaganda, highlighting his critique of ideological control wielded by political powers in China and other parts of the world.

Accompanying his online presence, Badiucao’s offline artistic creations, including paintings, drawings, and audio-visual installations, are presented in the Tell China’s Story Well exhibition, offering a comprehensive perspective on his artistic endeavours. (

Located within the historic confines of a castle in the vibrant city of Warsaw, the Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art serves as a thought-provoking platform where visitors explore the intricacies of our world through the lens of art. Far more than just an exhibition venue, our centre encompasses a dynamic range of offerings, including a cinema, a library, a bookshop, and an artist residency program. (

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