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Polish musician attacked PiS, calling the party a “fascist regime.” Now he urges: “Screw Trump”

Krzysztof Zalewski was a guest on Polsat’s morning program. Previously, the musician attacked the United Right government for… confronting illegal migration at the border with Belarus. Now, he is attacking President Trump calling him a “madman”.

In 2021, Zalewski launched a relentless attack on the ruling authorities at the time— and in a particularly vile manner.

“This is a very difficult matter for me. I live in a country that behaves like some kind of fascist regime and does not respect basic human rights. No one should be illegal. I understand that borders need to be defended, but there are also fundamental norms of decency. You cannot send children to their deaths,”

 he said at the time.

“Screw Trump”

It appears the singer is struggling with declining online engagement. As a result, he decided to launch another attack on the free world— this time targeting Donald Trump.

And so, live on Polsat, he suddenly declared, completely unprompted:

“We encourage, of course… Screw Trump and his associates! Greetings to all democratic forces trying to overthrow this madman.”

Interestingly, the video was posted online by another guest of the program, Mikołaj Teperek, who had appeared on air just before Zalewski. He did not hide his outrage.

Moreover, he referenced another video featuring Zalewski, in which the singer also insulted the American leader— using language that was, to put it mildly, highly uncensored. 

“I don’t know how Poles can bring about Trump’s impeachment, but if there’s a way, I’m the first in line. I can join a march, sign a petition—just to get that fascist motherf***er off the throne,”

Zalewski said this and many more. 

Supports LGBT, Mocks the Church

We took a closer look at what this so-called musical “idol”— and self-styled expert on international politics— posts on social media.

On his Instagram profile, we found several photos clearly indicating that… his views align much more closely with the current government. Photos, where he is kissing another man— fellow musician Ralph Kamiński— or posing with an LGBT flag, are commonplace. What’s more, there is even a picture of him wearing a hat with the name of a parish— in a strongly mocking tone.

Zalewskiegozalewskiofficial /

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