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Polish Senators Receive Certificates

Estimated reading time: 1 minute

The State Electoral Commission Chairman, Sylwester Marciniak, presented election certificates to 100 newly elected senators in a significant event for the country’s democracy. At noon, 100 senators received certificates for their roles in the XI legislative term.

This momentous event follows an impressive display of civic engagement in the recent Polish Senate elections, marking a notable increase in voter participation compared to previous years. In total, 21,944,884 Polish citizens exercised their democratic rights, accounting for 74.31% of eligible voters—a substantial increase from the 50.91% recorded in 2015, with nearly 6.4 million more voters participating. On average, each senator received approximately 64,000 additional votes.

Chairman Marciniak underscored the significance of the high voter participation, which has bestowed upon the elected senators a unique and robust mandate for their upcoming responsibilities.

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