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    President Duda at CoE Reikjavic Summit: A register of atrocities and damages that Russia brings to Ukraine will be created

    President Andrzej Duda takes part in the Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Council of Europe in Reikjavic on May 16–17 2023. Yesterday, Duda announced the creation, under the auspices of the Council of Europe, of a registry of damages caused to Ukraine by Russian aggression.

    Check the opening remarks by President Andrzej Duda here.

    “This is the 4th summit of the Council of Europe. They take place at special moments. (…) We will talk about Russian aggression against Ukraine and how to stop it and about reconstruction of Ukraine. I hope that these topics and the new European order with the admission of Ukraine to the EU and NATO will be discussed here as lively as it is possible.”

    Duda said.

    The Opening Session of the 4th Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Council of Europe ‘United Around Our Values’ on Tuesday:

    “We must be strong and united! Let’s use this moment to strengthen our identity and unity. We have a chance to express this during the beginning of the session”,

    said President Andrzej Duda.

    During the opening session of the 4th Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Council of Europe, the Polish president reminded that the organization was created after overcoming the horrors of World War II, with the goal of protecting values such as citizens’ freedom, human life, the rule of law, and democracy.

    “These values unite us and form the basis of our exceptional community. We must remember this as we begin today’s discussion. We are a community of values, and it is our duty to defend them,”

    said Duda.

    He pointed out that Council of Europe summits do not take place every year; they occur only during pivotal and historic moments that require deeper reflection on the values underlying the organization. “Unfortunately, the summit in Reykjavik is taking place during the largest attack on democratic values since the fall of totalitarian regimes on the Old Continent,” he stated.

    The president emphasized that Russia, by invading Ukraine, not only wants to destroy the country but also to revise all the values upon which the Council of Europe is based.

    “Let us remember that Putin’s plan encompasses, in a broader context, the construction of a different order based on values that contradict our own. In such a world, democracy becomes an empty concept; only naked power matters, and human rights are just a facade because any citizen can be sentenced to decades in a penal colony or lose their life for any reason. We must all be fully aware of this,”

    he added.

    He noted that the Council of Europe summit is taking place when Russia, which was a member of the Council of Europe just a year ago, along with its vassal Lukashenko, is attacking the entire free world. “We must not submit to this. We must be even stronger and more united. Let us seize this moment to strengthen our identity and unity,” he added.

    Duda also spoke about a declaration to be adopted during the summit, which, as he emphasized, will confirm the joint responsibility and determination to support Ukraine for as long as possible.

    “Equally important will be the establishment of a registry of damages caused to Ukraine by Russian aggression. This is an important step to hold those responsible for crimes committed in Ukraine accountable. Crimes must be brought to justice. It is crucial to provide compensation to the victims and their families. But it is also a prerequisite for peace and stability in the future,”

    stated the Polish president.

    “Today, it is Ukraine that is shedding blood and sacrificing lives in the name of the values that underpin our identity. We, the free world, must be determined to support them in this struggle. Without such support, all our declarations will remain meaningless,”

    President Duda concluded.

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