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Remembering the Victims of the Kut Massacre: Commemoration Ceremony in Oborniki Śląskie

In 1944, Ukrainian nationalists perpetrated a massacre in Kut nad Czeremoszem, claiming the lives of approximately 200 Poles and Armenians. The meticulous documentation of these atrocities, thanks to the efforts of local Catholic priest Father Wincenty Smal, provided crucial evidence for subsequent historical research.

Honoring the Memory

On the 80th anniversary of the Kut massacre, the Institute of National Remembrance (IPN), in collaboration with descendants of Kut residents and the Mayor of Oborniki Śląskie, Arkadiusz Poprawa, organized a solemn ceremony. The event included the unveiling of two black memorial plaques inscribed with commemorative messages and the emblem of the Ocalamy project.

A Solemn Gathering

The ceremony, led by Wojciech Trębacz, head of the IPN Branch Office for Commemorating the Struggle and Martyrdom (OBUWiM), was attended by a diverse group, including descendants of Kut victims, Polish and Armenian communities, government officials, and representatives of the military and police.

Multicultural Representation

The Armenian community was well-represented, with notable attendees such as Wanda and Jan Lintner, descendants of the victims, and Professor Ara Sayegh, who performed Armenian hymns. The event underscored the importance of remembrance over vengeance, as articulated in a poignant quote: “Not for revenge, but for memory, cry out the victims.”

Unity Through Remembrance

Both Romana Obrocka, a descendant of Armenian Kut residents, and Dr. Kamil Dworaczek, Director of the IPN Branch Office in Wrocław, emphasized the central theme of remembrance in their speeches. The ceremony concluded with an ecumenical prayer delivered in Polish, Armenian, and Ukrainian languages, reflecting the unity of purpose in honoring the memory of the victims.

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