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Series of important debates – Time of Entrepreneurs

Recently, events have shown that energy and raw materials can be used as weapons. This was painfully experienced by Europe when it turned out that Russian gas and oil are not just a business, but a lever for Putin’s hegemonic inclinations.

On the other hand, a “climate revolution” is underway, in which, in the name of saving the planet from pollution, conventional power plants and coal mining are being penalized.

Renewable energy sources are not enough for the economy’s needs, and Polish investments in nuclear energy, among others, will ensure Poles’ energy independence in the near future.

Diversification of energy sources and raw material suppliers is of enormous importance today.  Together with the partners of this edition of Time of Entrepreneurs – PKN Orlen and KGHM Polska Miedz – we will take up the topic of energy security.

We invite you to join us on Telewizja Republika on February 6, 7 and 8 at 10:30 pm (UTC/GMT +1) and on Thursday, February 9 at 12:00 pm (UTC/GMT +1) for the MAIN DEBATE.

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