What else could be expected? A spectacle, a show, and a circus. That’s what the arrest of MP Dariusz Matecki looked like. Adam Bodnar, the Minister of Justice in Tusk’s government, reacted with quite a lot of… satisfaction.
Matecki’s Arrest
This morning, just before 9:00 AM, ABW officers detained PiS MP Dariusz Matecki. We are reporting the events live on our channel. On Thursday, the Sejm, with the votes of the ruling coalition, approved the arrest and temporary detention of PiS MP Dariusz Matecki. Earlier, on Wednesday evening, Matecki voluntarily waived his immunity in this case.
🚨#TYLKOUNAS | Moment zatrzymania posła@DariuszMatecki
— Telewizja Republika 🇵🇱 #włączprawdę (@RepublikaTV) March 7, 2025
Więcej tu: https://t.co/Y3CnjadSWc #włączprawdę #TVRepublika pic.twitter.com/XzWkiMJ4T9
How Did It Happen?
As Matecki’s legal representative reported, on Friday at 8:45 AM, MP Dariusz Matecki was detained by the ABW while on his way to the prosecutor’s office. The prosecutor’s office stated: “The detained MP Dariusz M. will be brought to the National Prosecutor’s Office on Friday, where he will hear charges of committing six crimes and will be questioned as a suspect.”
Later that day, the MP is expected to be taken to the National Prosecutor’s Office, where “the prosecutor will announce the charges of committing six crimes and question him as a suspect.”
As reported by TV Republika journalist Michał Gwardyński, three ABW vans blocked Matecki’s car. Several officers jumped out, broke down the doors of the passenger car, and pulled the MP out.
Bodnar Overjoyed
Adam Bodnar, who is chairing a meeting of EU justice ministers in Brussels on Friday due to Poland’s presidency, stated that “regarding MP Matecki, this is quite a precedent, as the Sejm approved his arrest and temporary detention.”
What’s more, he added that “a natural consequence of these actions is his arrest, the presentation of charges, and then a request to the court for temporary detention.”
As we can see – the circus continues, and the witch hunt goes on. Nothing brings more joy to “Silni Razem” than a spectacle staged by the current government.