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Shocking Details Emerge in the Attack on Father Lech Lachowicz! Assailant Armed with Hatchet and Gasoline

Szymon K. has confessed to the attack on the rectory in Szczytno, during which Father Lech Lachowicz sustained severe injuries, according to Tygodnik Szczytno. The priest is fighting for his life, and the 27-year-old suspect reportedly attacked him with the intent to kill. The local paper has revealed dramatic details of the assault.

On November 3rd in Szczytno, a brutal attack took place against the pastor of St. Brother Albert Parish. Father Lech Lachowicz was assaulted at the rectory after an evening mass.

Shocking Details of the Attack on the Priest: Did the Assailant Intend to Kill and Rob?

Tygodnik Szczytno released new details today about the brutal attack on the clergyman. Szymon K. allegedly broke into the rectory armed with a hatchet and a container of gasoline.

Upon encountering Father Lachowicz, he reportedly struck him in the head with the hatchet, causing serious injuries to the priest.

“The ordeal was interrupted by the housekeeper, who reacted to the screams and sprayed the assailant with pepper spray. She then fled to another room and called for help,” reports Tygodnik Szczytno.

The motive for the assailant’s actions appears to have been robbery, but investigators have determined that Szymon K. also intended to kill the priest. The 27-year-old faces charges of attempted murder and causing grievous bodily harm to the priest. He has confessed to the charges against him. A request for his temporary detention for three months has been submitted to the court.

Father Lech Lachowicz in Critical Condition

Father Lech Lachowicz, 72, remains in critical condition at a hospital in Olsztyn. His injuries include a skull fracture and brain tissue swelling, as well as a severe, approximately 20 cm facial wound. Doctors are fighting to save his life. The Archdiocese of Warmia has issued an appeal for prayers for the priest.

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