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    Shocking Photo of Jacek Jaworek’s Corpse Circulates Online: Prosecutors Consider Investigation

    The prosecution is contemplating launching an investigation into a graphic photo of a human corpse that surfaced yesterday on the social media platform, as reported by Authorities are currently verifying whether the photo was indeed taken in Dąbrowa Zielona, the location where the body of a person resembling the wanted murderer, Jacek Jaworek, was discovered.

    Late last evening, a photo depicting a bloodied man with a black eye and a gunshot wound appeared on The individual closely resembles Jacek Jaworek, who has been sought for a triple homicide. The authenticity of the photo and whether it truly shows Jaworek’s body found in Dąbrowa Zielona is still under investigation.

    Inquiries with the prosecutor’s office about the online photo confirmed that they are aware of its existence and are actively investigating the matter. “If it is confirmed that the photograph posted online was taken at the site of ongoing proceedings, an investigation will be initiated regarding the disclosure of information from the preparatory proceedings,” stated Tomasz Ozimek, spokesperson for the District Prosecutor’s Office in Częstochowa, to

    The individuals responsible for taking and uploading such a photo could face legal consequences. According to Article 241 § 1 of the Penal Code, “Whoever publicly disseminates information from preparatory proceedings without authorization, before they are revealed in court proceedings, shall be subject to a fine, restriction of liberty, or imprisonment for up to 2 years.”

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