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Should Poland Have Nuclear Weapons? Public Opinion Divided

A recent survey shows 52.9% of Poles support nuclear armament, while discussions on Nuclear Sharing continue. Read about Poland’s nuclear ambitions and public opinion.

A recent survey conducted by UCE Research for Onet reveals that 52.9% of Poles support Poland having nuclear weapons. Among them, 20.8% are strongly in favor, while 32.1% lean toward the idea. Conversely, 27.9% oppose it, with 11.2% expressing strong disapproval. The remaining 19.2% remain undecided. The idea of nuclear armament is most popular among supporters of Konfederacja (71.2%), PiS (59.8%), and Trzecia Droga (57.1%), while voters of KO (44.4%) and Lewica (40.7%) are less enthusiastic.

Nuclear Sharing for Poland?

Discussions on Poland’s nuclear potential gained traction in 2022 when President Andrzej Duda expressed interest in joining NATO’s Nuclear Sharing program. “We have spoken with American leaders about whether the U.S. considers this option. The topic remains open,” Duda stated. The issue resurfaced in 2024 but received little support from the current government. A CBOS survey indicates that 44% of Poles back participation in Nuclear Sharing, while 49% favor developing Poland’s own nuclear program.

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