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    Soldier’s Death Following Migrant Attack: Sakiewicz: Intimidation Led to Tragedy

    Those who decided to arrest, charge, and suspend soldiers for using their weapons led to this tragedy, stated Tomasz Sakiewicz, editor-in-chief of “Gazeta Polska,” on Telewizja Republika. He was commenting on the tragic news of a soldier’s death after being stabbed by an illegal migrant a week ago.

    A soldier from the 1st Armored Brigade died at the Military Medical Institute in Warsaw after being stabbed a week ago by a migrant on the Belarusian side of the steel barrier at the border. This occurred during an attempt by a group of foreigners to forcefully breach the border near Dubicze Cerkiewne.

    “Those who said that intimidating, demobilizing, and insulting soldiers would lead to tragedy were right because soldiers might hesitate to use their weapons when there is a threat to life,” said Sakiewicz on Telewizja Republika.

    He added, “This is the same place where the soldier, who later died, was severely wounded, along with many other soldiers, where a few weeks earlier – as we learned – soldiers were arrested for acting in self-defense after being attacked by a horde of refugees and firing shots into the air.”

    “This is the consequence. Those who decided to arrest, detain, throw to the ground, handcuff, charge, and suspend soldiers for many months led to this tragedy. If the soldiers had defended themselves, the attackers wouldn’t have stabbed, because a soldier with a rifle has an advantage over a man with a stick, even with a knife,” Sakiewicz emphasized.

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