“This is f***ing ‘Border Guard’? ‘Guard’? These are heartless machines, without brains, without ANYTHING!!! Machines blindly following orders!!!” – this is how Barbara Kurdej-Szatan, an actress and TV presenter with neo-TVP, commented on the situation at the Polish-Belarusian border in November 2021. Now, she has reason to be satisfied – her case has been dismissed. This is how the smiley Poland of Tusk and his heated judges works.
She insulted, now she’s crying.
Wstyd dla wymiaru sprawiedliwości i sądu w szczególności. Zachowanie Kurdej-Szatan powinno zostać surowo ukarane, a kara powinna być przykładem dla innych.
— Adam Czarnecki (@czardam) March 7, 2025
Umorzenie postępowania to jak splunąć na mundur po prostu. #MuremZaPolskimMundurem https://t.co/QKlGI0MdYS pic.twitter.com/osOpysvvnI
Now, Kurdej-Szatan, in an Instagram post, once again portrays herself as the “victim,” complaining about the “hate” she has supposedly faced. But this is how she spoke about the defenders of the Polish border:
“F***!!!!!! What’s happening there!!!!!!! Is this ‘Border Guard’????? ‘Guard’?????? These are heartless machines, with no brains, with NOTHING!!!! Machines blindly following orders!!!!!! F***!!!! How can this happen!!!!!! My heart hurts, my whole chest hurts, I’m shaking and crying!!!!!! Murderers!!!!!” – she wrote in November 2021, when Lukashenko was launching a hybrid attack on the Polish border.
At the time, she received support from politicians of the opposition, led by KO, as well as from Donald Tusk, who criticized the ruling government of the United Right for protecting the border’s integrity. What’s more, it’s worth noting that although Tusk has since changed his stance on border defense, after the public media were taken over by his coalition, she became a star on neo-TVP and now hosts a new quiz show. So, for her contributions to fighting the “PiS regime” and insulting the Border Guard, she was rewarded by Tusk’s team.
Kurdej-Szatan uszło na sucho szerzenie rosyjskiej propagandy. Takie mamy sądy za Bodnara: umorzenie za lżenie Straży Granicznej: https://t.co/vgCcjARgN2 pic.twitter.com/htYQc3pGbp
— ExplicitePL (@ExplicitePL) March 7, 2025
Now, Kurdej-Szatan talks about the “suffering” she endured, complaining about the “hate” she received, while dragging Zbigniew Ziobro and Dariusz Matecki into it all. Another example of the hypocrisy from a group considered as elite in Poland.
Dzień dobry!
— Jan Molski 🇵🇱 (@JanMolskiIII) March 8, 2025
Nie wiem czy wiecie, ale gdy żandarmeria przeszukiwała dom Ewy Stankiewicz i glanowała Mateckiego, to Kurdej-Szatan została uniewiniona z zarzutów o lżenie i obrażanie polskich pograniczników
I jeszcze robi wokół siebie cyrk, że to ona poszkodowana xD pic.twitter.com/RMLFgbxynC