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State Forests as the Leader of the Energy Transformation

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The project ‘For the future generations – green transformation as a chance to stop climate change’ was awarded in the Competition organized as part of the Polish Climate Congress. The State Forests were awarded the right to use the label and title ‘Energy Transformation Leader‘ for another year.

The aim of the Competition is to promote innovative products, technologies, and services related to climate and environmental protection, as well as other innovative solutions that can accelerate Poland’s green transformation. The Competition Jury composed of: National Centre for Research and Development, the National Agency for Energy Conservation Agency, and the Congress partners awarded the State Forests with the title of Energy Transformation Leader and the prize, which was received by Ms. Magdalena Kapuścińska, Deputy Director General of the State Forests for Property and Procurement, on 16 March 2023 at a ceremonial gala in Warsaw.

The subject of the evaluation was the element of innovation, the potential for implementation (scalability), and the application of the solutions submitted for the competition in the context of energy efficiency.

“Forests feel the effects of climate change on a daily basis. Existing forest management activities, which are carried out in a sustainable manner and with respect to natural resources, are being supplemented by additional project activities. Therefore, the State Forests, as a socially responsible organization, engage in initiatives that are part of the green transformation of the Polish economy. We actively and effectively try to adapt to climate change and counteract the causes of this negative phenomenon.” ,

emphasizes Magdalena Kapuścińska.

The project ‘For the future generations – green transformation as an opportunity to halt climate change’ concerns complementary and comprehensive actions aimed at achieving energy self-sufficiency, increasing energy efficiency, and introducing solutions typical of a low-carbon economy in various areas of the State Forests’ operation – production, transport and infrastructure. The notification covered development projects of the State Forests on green transformation: Forest Energy – includes comprehensive activities with the common goal of energy transformation of the State Forests based on modern and innovative solutions; Increasing energy efficiency in PGL LP buildings – the result of the work carried out will be a significant reduction in energy demand in buildings and an increase in the use of energy produced in own installations from RES; Forest Carbon Farms and Carbon Forests – the projects concern maximizing the absorption of CO 2 and the storage of accumulated carbon in biomass, as well as obtaining an international certificate of additional carbon sequestration units and making them available on the so-called voluntary market. The projects concern maximizing carbon sequestration and the storage of accumulated biomass carbon.

State Forests / press material

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