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    The 8th International White Stork Census in Poland

    The 8th International White Stork Census in Poland assesses stork populations and nest distribution, vital for conservation efforts.

    Since early July, Poland has been conducting the 8th International White Stork Census. This event, held every ten years, aims to understand the current distribution of white stork nests, determine their occupancy status, and count the number of young storks in each nest.

    Importance of the Census

    Ornithologist Józef Hordowski emphasized the importance of this census, stating, “We need to know what is happening with the stork population in Poland and how to protect these birds, given today’s environmental pollution. Every second or third stork is from Poland, so we are the center of the stork’s range.”

    Understanding the population dynamics of the white stork in Poland is crucial for conservation efforts. The data collected will help in formulating strategies to protect these iconic birds, which face various environmental challenges.

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