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    The new Polish government is limiting children’s education

    Prime Minister Donald Tusk’s government is reforming education: students won’t have homework, and English language learning will be restricted to basic tenses.

    The elimination of homework in primary schools has already been announced by the Minister of Education, Barbara Nowacka. She explained that children need to rest at home.

    Another member of the Civic Coalition (KO), Marcin Józefaciuk, wants Polish students to learn only basic tenses in English, as he believes that perfect tenses are not used worldwide.

    The government’s plans have sparked numerous protests from teachers and experts. They argue that homework helps to retain acquired knowledge. The lack of homework threatens a rapid decline in the quality of education, which according to international rankings, is currently higher in Poland than, for example, in Germany.

    The leader of the largest opposition party Law and Justice (PiS), Jarosław Kaczyński, sharply commented that the new Polish government wants to turn Poles into serfs for wealthy European countries.

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