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    The Rise of Resale: Poles Embrace Second-Hand Market in 2023

    It seems that Poles have developed a fondness for the resale market, with a staggering 75% of the population participating in the buying and selling of second-hand items, according to a recent study conducted by Allegro Lokalnie.

    Poles Embrace Both Online and Offline Resale, Fueling a 10% Year-on-Year Growth

    This growing trend in Poland is not limited to online platforms alone; participants are engaging both online and offline, demonstrating a diverse and widespread interest in the second-hand market. The study revealed that three-quarters of respondents have no intention of slowing down their involvement in buying and selling used items.

    The Polish enthusiasm for the resale market has seen a remarkable uptick over the years. In 2023, a significant 10-percentage point increase was noted compared to 2021, with three-quarters of adult Poles declaring their active participation in the second-hand economy.

    Allegro Lokalnie Dominates the Second-Hand Scene: Mobile App Surges, User Engagement Soars

    Allegro Lokalnie, a prominent consumer-to-consumer platform, remains at the forefront of this burgeoning trend. The survey found that the most active age group in the second-hand market comprises individuals between 18 and 44 years old. Over half of this demographic actively engages in both buying and selling on the Allegro Lokalnie platform, emphasizing its sustained popularity.

    The platform’s mobile app has become a preferred choice for users, leading to a remarkable 98% increase in active listings in 2023 compared to the previous year. The surge is complemented by a significant rise in new users (+33% YoY) and visits (+50% YoY), further solidifying Allegro Lokalnie’s position as a market leader in C2C transactions.

    Beyond Fashion: Poles Embrace Diverse Second-Hand Markets with Economic and Environmental Motivations

    While fashion dominates the used goods market with a whopping 59%, Poles are also exploring second-hand options for electronics (39%), culture and entertainment items (30%), and home and garden products (30%). This diversification in choices suggests a robust and well-rounded interest in the resale market beyond just clothing.

    The motivations behind buying second-hand items are multifaceted, with economic considerations taking the lead. A substantial 64% of Poles cited inflation and rising prices of new products as the primary reason for opting for second-hand purchases. The resale market not only offers an opportunity to save money but also serves as a response to the escalating prices in the market.

    Environmental concerns play a significant role in Poles’ decision to buy used items, with a desire to reduce their environmental impact by giving products a second life. Additionally, there is an expressed fondness for unique, vintage items, and a willingness to acquire products with a short lifespan, such as children’s clothing.

    Selling with Purpose: Poles Unveil Dual Motivations in Resale and Embrace Convenient Delivery Methods

    For those on the selling end, the primary motivation is the desire to declutter and get rid of specific items. However, a noteworthy secondary motivation is the desire to obtain additional financial resources, particularly among younger sellers. Sellers of average age tend to emphasize environmental considerations in their selling decisions.

    Interestingly, when it comes to delivery methods, Poles overwhelmingly prefer parcel lockers, with 82% indicating this as their most common choice. Home courier delivery follows at 51%, showcasing a clear preference for convenient and efficient options.

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