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    Three Factors Slowing Down Poland’s GDP Growth

    Despite optimistic forecasts for Poland’s economic recovery this year, several factors could dampen its GDP growth. Experts predict a solid economic rebound, driven mainly by increased consumption, with the GDP expected to grow by around 3%. However, Marcin Klucznik from the Polish Economic Institute identifies three key factors that might hinder this growth.

    Investment Challenges

    Firstly, investment levels remain a concern. While the decline in investments might be minor, the transition between two EU financial perspectives presents challenges. The previous funding period has ended, and the new funds are yet to be fully utilized, leading to slower public investment compared to previous years.

    EU Economic Influence

    Secondly, the economic performance of Poland’s major trading partners in the Eurozone affects its growth. Despite Poland’s faster GDP increase, the demand in the Eurozone has not rebounded significantly. While Polish imports have surged, exports grow at a slower pace due to weak demand in these countries, limiting Poland’s GDP growth to around 3%.

    Interest Rate Adjustments

    Finally, global interest rate trends impact Poland. Although the European Central Bank (ECB) recently cut interest rates and similar actions are anticipated from other central banks, Poland may not see rate reductions this year. This lag in monetary policy adjustments could influence economic activities domestically.

    Overall, while Poland’s economy is set for a robust year, these factors underscore the complexities and interconnectedness of global and local economic dynamics.

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