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    Tusk’s Government Faces Deepening Crisis: A Warning from Sakiewicz

    Tomasz Sakiewicz, in a recent Gazeta Polska article, warns of increasing threats to free speech in Poland, particularly aimed at the conservative TV station, Telewizja Republika. He draws a parallel to the early days of Vladimir Putin’s reign in Russia, where suppression of media freedom began with targeting advertisers and sponsors rather than direct force. Sakiewicz suggests that Donald Tusk’s government is taking a similar path, signaling an alarming direction for Poland’s political climate.

    Public Relations Failures and Unpopular Decisions

    According to Sakiewicz, Tusk’s leadership is faltering, with disastrous PR choices and mishandling of the recent floods. His ill-advised statements, such as downplaying the risk of a flood just before a dam collapse, only worsened the situation. Local authorities had to intervene, preventing a larger catastrophe. These events are diminishing public support for Tusk.

    Sakiewicz also highlights that Tusk’s control over the judiciary is weakening. Recent unfavorable rulings suggest that even the courts, which had once been seen as loyal to the government, are now pushing back. This judicial shift may signify a turning point in Tusk’s tenure.

    With all three pillars of Tusk’s power—German support, PR strategies, and judicial control—failing, Sakiewicz predicts that if nothing changes, Tusk’s government could lose power within six months.

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