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    US media speculate on possible Biden’s visit to Poland

    Estimated reading time: 1 minute

    Joe Biden may take a trip to Europe to commemorate the one-year anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, according to reports from CNN and NBC News on Thursday, citing US government sources.

    The US president last visited Poland in March during which he delivered a speech in Warsaw, in which he said that Russia’s President Vladimir Putin “cannot remain in power.”

    “The trip is not yet confirmed… but one of the officials said that one stop under consideration is Poland, a key NATO ally currently housing thousands of American troops that also serves as a hub for Western weapons transfers to Ukraine,”

    CNN said.

    According to the broadcaster, it is highly unlikely that Biden would travel to Ukraine owing to security concerns.

    NBC News said that the goal of the trip would be to highlight “Ukraine’s resilience against Russia’s brutal military campaign” and “reaffirm US solidarity with the Ukrainian people as the conflict enters a new phase.”

    Additionally, the announcement of another major military aid package for Ukraine on the anniversary of Russia’s invasion is also being considered.

    The White House National Security Council did not confirm the news.

    “We don’t currently have any travel plans for the anniversary,”

    an NSC spokesperson said.

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