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    World Bee Day: Honoring Pollinators and Ensuring Their Protection for a Sustainable Future

    Each year on May 20th, we come together to celebrate World Bee Day, an initiative by the United Nations to spotlight the critical role of bees and other pollinators in our ecosystems. In Poland, this day is a time to recognize the indispensable contributions these tiny creatures make to biodiversity and food security.

    Bees: Essential for Ecosystem Health and Food Production

    Bees and other pollinators are the backbone of healthy ecosystems. They are responsible for the pollination of nearly 90% of the world’s wild flowering plants and more than 75% of our food crops. Their activity underpins biodiversity, promoting the growth of plants that support a wide range of wildlife. According to the UN, 35% of global agricultural land benefits from animal pollination, underscoring the direct link between pollinators and food security.

    The Challenges Pollinators Face

    Despite their importance, pollinators are facing numerous threats. Intensive monoculture farming and the widespread use of pesticides have significantly harmed their populations. These practices reduce the variety of food available to pollinators, destroy their natural habitats, expose them to toxic chemicals, and compromise their health. This decline in pollinator populations poses a serious risk to global biodiversity and food production.

    “Bee Engaged with Youth”

    The theme for World Bee Day 2024 is “Bee Engaged with Youth.” This theme highlights the importance of involving young people in the efforts to protect pollinators. By encouraging youth to participate in beekeeping and conservation activities, we can nurture the next generation of environmental guardians. This initiative aims to instil a sense of responsibility and active participation among young people worldwide, ensuring the continued protection of these essential species.

    How to Support Pollinators

    Everyone has a role to play in supporting bees and other pollinators. Here are some practical steps you can take:

    • Create Bee-Friendly Habitats: Plant a variety of flowers that bloom at different times throughout the year to provide continuous food sources for pollinators.
    • Adopt Environmentally Friendly Practices: Avoid using pesticides and opt for natural pest control methods instead.
    • Preserve Natural Areas: Allow parts of your garden to remain unmown to let wildflowers grow, creating a natural habitat for pollinators.
    • Support Pollinators’ Needs: Set up watering stations with shallow water and stones where insects can drink safely without getting their wings wet.
    • Avoid Burning Organic Matter: Do not burn old grasses, stems, and flowers, as these provide shelter for many insect species.

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