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World Congress of Polish Families

The “Invest in Marriage. Invest in Family” theme will be the focus of the World Congress of Polish Families taking place in Gdansk, Poland, on September 15 – 17, 2023. 

As part of the Congress, information about the latest recognized apparitions of Our Lady in the heart of Africa will be presented. That is why we especially invite those who have received rosaries to the Seven Sorrows of Our Lady, and we especially recommend session III as a unique gift.

The presentations prepared by family experts will offer participants a lot of valuable insights into how to build happy families. They will also provide answers to the question of how to help families deal with difficulties and threats. During the Congress, numerous thematic workshops will provide participants with expert guidance on a multitude of family tasks, such as strengthening marital relationships, carrying out procreative and child-rearing responsibilities, and receiving specialized support in challenging situations.

In addition, participants will have the opportunity to meet 1:1 with experts representing a wide array of disciplines.

The final day of the Congress will include a Family Day event consisting of a concert, pilgrimage, and picnic. There will also be an optional sightseeing tour of the incredible city of Gdańsk and its amazing highlights. The World Congress of Polish Families will also pose an excellent opportunity for networking and building new friendships.


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