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1057th anniversary of the Baptism of Poland

On the occasion of the 1057th anniversary of the baptism of Poland, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki gave a speech in which he defined the state of Poland.

“Today, April 14, we celebrate the National Day of the Baptism of Poland. It is a commemoration of a unique event in our history that defined our culture, faith and that we are a Western country.”,

he said.

The anniversary of the baptism of Poland is an important event for all Poles, as it marks the beginning of their statehood and their Christian faith. The speech of Prime Minister Morawiecki was a reminder that Poland is a proud and independent country with a rich history and a bright future.

The first historical ruler of Poland – Mieszko I – accepted baptism in the year 966. Along with him, the young Polish state entered the path of development, building national identity, and participating in the political, religious, and cultural life of Europe.

A derivative of the baptism act is the strength of values such as brotherhood, solidarity, culture, and respect for tradition in our culture – they have shaped us for centuries and allow us to boldly look to the future today.

The National Holiday of the Baptism of Poland is also a reminder of the Christian roots of Europe, which constitute – and should constitute in the future – the foundation of shared values and principles of the entire European Union.

According to the PM Morawiecki, in the face of the challenges that our continent is facing, Poles must constantly ensure that these values are defended and passed on to future generations. Today’s celebrations become an opportunity for reflection on the Christian roots that constitute the foundation of Polish identity and culture.

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