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August 1 – Poles remember the 76th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising. Warsaw August 1st 1944. Single most tragic event in the history of the city.

One of the events commemorating the heroes of 1944 will be a march organized by groups associated with the National Movement. However, mayor of Warsaw, Rafał Trzaskowski is reluctant towards the nationalists’ undertaking, and made it clear that the march could be cancelled altogether.

Warsaw Mayor and presidential candidate Rafał Trzaskowski announced that he will be observing this march very carefully, and will react immediately if any symbols prohibited by the Polish law should appear in the crowd, or if there is any hate speech.

The Warsaw Uprising March will follow the streets of Warsaw under the slogan “German crimes unsettled”. In recent years, radical left-wing groups have provoked groups associated with the National Movement. Participants of marches organized by National Movement groups were accused of hate speech. This year’s march is to be closely monitored.

According to Warsaw Mayor spokesperson Karolina Galicka state of epidemic might limit meetings. “Remember that we, as the capital city of Warsaw, give assemblies permits in accordance with the provisions of the Act on Assemblies. At this point, in a state of epidemic, the gathering can register up to 150 people. However, in the event of any danger, we can rely on the competences of law enforcement services. For our part, we will also send observers in accordance with the regulations and, of course, will try to quickly react if necessary. On the other hand, when it comes to maintaining order, ensuring safety, and responding to dangerous situations, such powers are exercised by the police. Here the police are responsible for any security issues or resolving possible dangerous situations.”

The organizer of the march, Robert Bąkiewicz, hopes that Warsaw officials will not prevent Warsaw insurgents from being honored. “I hope that no one will think of stopping a crowd of several thousand people in order to carry out some sort of political bickering.”

Commentators are pointing out the political game played by Mayor of Warsaw, Rafał Trzaskowski, who tried to win over nationalists circles who are part of the Confederation Party, in order to gain support in the recent presidential election campaign.

Poland will come to a halt for one minute to honor the 1944 Warsaw insurgents August 1st at 5.00 PM. The events related to the Warsaw Uprising March will start at 4.30 PM at Rondo Dmowskiego in downtown Warsaw. The march will end with a patriotic concert by Norbert “Smoła” Smoliński.

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