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When do you have to wear a mask and when do not?

New regulation answers all the questions concerning the order on covering the nose and mouth. For me, it is obvious that such an order exists – said dr Mariusz Filipek of Faculty of Law and Administration of Maria Curie-Skłodowska University (UMCS).

On last Saturday, in Official Gazette, the covid’s amendment from 28th of October was published. This amendment changes the regulations from the Act from 2008 about prevention and combating infections and infectious diseases. Article 46a of this Act refers to the situation in which there is an epidemic, Council of Ministers can specify in a Regulation the surveillance zones together with an indication of the type of zone on which it occurs. 


Among the above-mentioned solutions in Article 46b, there is also ‘the order on covering nose and mouth in specified circumstances together with the way of realization the order’. In the previous version, there was talk of duty to take the test and to apply other prevention measures by ‘infected people or suspected of being infected’. 


Dr Mariusz Filipek of Faculty of Law and Administration of UMCS was asked whether new regulation answer all the questions concerning the legal basis concerning wearing the mask or not. 


‘From the lawyer’s point of view, I think that current covid’s amendment answers all the questions. For me, it is obvious that such an order exists’ – he answered. ‘The question is whether people should be punished or get a warning’ – he added. 


He admitted that while taking into account the fight against pandemic and the situation that you never know when you can get infected, ‘some financial penalty should be provided’. 


‘To be honest, I think that people should be informed rather than punished’ – he emphasised.


According to the new Council of Ministers’ Regulation, the order on covering nose and mouth is valid until 27thof December. People should cover their nose and mouth in public transportation, public areas, common property areas, in service and retail facilities and marketplaces. 


Moreover, the order is also valid in workplaces only if in one room there is more than one person. 

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