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The city of Łódź to issue green bonds

Łódź will be the first large city in Poland to issue green bonds, informed the city’s deputy mayor Adam Pustelnik. The money from the issue is to go, among others for the construction of retention reservoirs at the Group Sewage Treatment Plant.

As Pustelnik emphasized at the press conference, the decision to issue bonds that will finance the city’s pro-ecological projects was very important for Łódź. 

“Taking into account global trends and declarations made recently by investors, green bonds and pro-ecological investments will condition the interest in a given city. If on Wednesday the City Council accepts this proposal, Łódź will become more attractive to global capital and large corporations,” explained the vice mayor of city.

He added that green bonds and activities in the field of ecology with municipal investments will permanently increase the attractiveness of Łódź as a place to invest, which in turn may have a very positive impact on its development.

The city intends to obtain PLN 50 million from green bonds.


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