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    The Presidential Couple's Easter wishes

    President Andrzej Duda and his wife Agata Kornhauser-Duda expressed their wishes to their compatriots at home and abroad on the occasion of the Resurrection of the Lord. The Presidential Couple wished poles, above all, health and optimism.

    A video of the presidential couple’s wishes was posted on the President’s Chancellery website and social media.


    ‘Ladies and gentlemen, Dear Compatriots at home and abroad. On the occasion of the Resurrection of the Lord, we wish you hope and inner rebirth and peace. May these special days bring a respite from the worries of everyday life so that with new forces you will carry out your plans and intentions this year,’ said President Andrzej Duda.


    Agata Kornhauser-Duda emphasized that ‘in polish tradition Easter has a deep religious dimension relating to the most important truths and symbols of Christianity’. 


    ‘It reminds us that sacrificial love is the power that overcomes evil, death, and doubt. So, next to traditional customs, decorations and dishes, there will be no shortage of smiles, good conversations and mutual kindness in our homes,’ said the First Lady.


    ‘We will experience them paying special attention to the safety of our loved ones and others. We follow the recommendations of specialists because we trust that it will bring positive results now and in the coming months,’ said Andrzej Duda.


    The First Lady appealed to compatriots to think about those who are most affected by the pandemic.


    ‘So that we all survive this difficult time in good health. Let the unique atmosphere of these days allow us to look to the future with hope and optimism. May it strengthen in us the perseverance and faith that together we can overcome the pandemic and all the difficulties associated with it,’ emphasised Agata Kornhauser-Duda.


    ‘Please accept the wishes of the blessed, full of health and weather of Easter,’ wished the President.

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