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Public consultation on the draft document “National Action Plan for the implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights 2021-2024”

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is the coordinator of the National Action Plan. The first edition for 2017-2020 has been completed. A second edition of the document is currently being prepared for 2021-2024.

The subject of business and human rights is gaining importance in both the United Nations and the European Union. The international community has developed numerous initiatives and taken practical steps to define the roles and responsibilities of governments, business and civil society in protecting and respecting human rights. Poland is actively involved in the process of creating a new approach to this issue on the national and international forum. In 2011, the UN Human Rights Council adopted by consensus the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.


Developed by a team of experts, the Guidelines represent an important step by the international community towards the reduction of the risk of human rights violations in connection with business activities. They take into account the obligations of states to ensure that individual rights are protected against infringements by companies. The Guidelines also emphasize the role of businesses in the realization and protection of human rights, arising both from national laws and international obligations. According to the Guidelines, victims should be guaranteed access to remedies and the possibility to seek redress for injustice.

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