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What will the EC “Fit for 55” climate package mean for Europe?

The implementation of the “Fit for 55” climate package would mean problems not only for agriculture across Europe, writes “Nasz Dziennik”. According to Jan Krzysztof Ardanowski, the European Commission says outright that it wants to end all animal husbandry in the EU.

Nasz Dziennik” points out that the “Fit for 55” climate change package “pushed” by the European Commission raises many doubts.


-“The Commission wants agriculture to become one of the main pillars in the EU’s fight against so-called global warming and greenhouse gas emissions.  We agree with the statement that we need to take care of the planet.  Just why does Frans Timmermans not provide detailed instructions on how farmers are to achieve the objectives set for them?  Knowing the recent actions of the EC towards farmers, one may feel concerned” – indicates the Chairman of the Polish President’s Council on Agriculture and Rural Areas Jan Krzysztof Ardanowski.


-“Assessing the impact of such a far-reaching reform package on the agricultural sector is a complex task, as numerous mechanisms have been proposed leading to emission reductions of at least 55% by 2030, with complex cumulative impacts” -stressed Pekka Pesonen, Secretary-General of Copa-Cogeca, the biggest agricultural organisation in Europe.


-“Farmers’ concerns are not surprising, as the radicalism of the +Fit for 55+ proposal is very much” -Zbigniew Kuźmiuk, member of the Law and Justice party.


-“If the analysis of the package’s impact is done fairly, the EC will have to abandon some of the changes.  However, if it insists on this form of reform, the whole of Europe will have problems, not just farmers” – Kuźmiuk noted.


According to Jan Krzysztof Ardanowski, the European Commission says outright that it wants to end all animal husbandry in the EU.


-“Of course, animals will appear on some farms, but they will be more like open-air museums than professional breeding places.  In the name of the fight against so-called global warming, the EC wants to kill off a branch of agriculture that is promising” -stressed Ardanowski.


Wiktor Szmulewicz, president of the National Council of Agricultural Chambers, also suspects that the EC’s main plan for changes in agriculture is to liquidate livestock breeding.


-“The problem of greenhouse gas emissions in agriculture largely concerns animal husbandry.  I, therefore, believe that the EC is about to state that Europe must move away from livestock production, especially cattle” -said Szmulewicz.


The Head of the National Council of Agricultural Chambers argued that instead of moving away from animal production, biogas plants should be built.

 -“If we want to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, let’s build biogas plants.  Let the EC find the money for them.  Let them arise in every village” -Wiktor Szmulewicz appealed.

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