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Today the beatification of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński and Mother Elżbieta Czacka [LIVE]

The Catholic Church will gain two new blessings today: at noon in the Temple of Divine Providence in Warsaw a mass for the beatification of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński and Mother Elżbieta Czacka will begin. About 7 thousand people will take part in the ceremonies, among them: representatives of the highest state authorities headed by President Andrzej Duda. The liturgy will be presided over by the Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, Cardinal Marcello Semeraro.

The Eucharist will be concelebrated by 600 priests, 80 bishops from Poland, including the President of the Polish Bishops’ Conference Archbishop Stanisław Gądecki, the Primate of Poland Wojciech Polak and the host of the place, the Metropolitan Archbishop of Warsaw, Cardinal Kazimierz Nycz. There will also be 45 bishops from abroad.


The beatification liturgy will also be attended by representatives of the highest state authorities: President Andrzej Duda, Marshals of the Sejm and Senate Elżbieta Witek and Tomasz Grodzki, and members of the government led by Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki.  There will also be guests from abroad as well as representatives of diplomatic services and the military.


During the liturgy, the papal delegate, Cardinal Marcello Semeraro, will deliver the beatification formula in Latin, and its Polish translation will be read to the faithful by Bishop Michał Janocha.


Then, the portraits of the new Blesseds will be unveiled based on their photographs, and the relics of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński and Mother Elżbieta Czacka will be brought to the altar in a procession.


During that time the faithful will sing the beatification hymns composed especially for this occasion: ‘Soli Deo – to the Only God’ by prelate Wieslaw Kądziela to the words of Bishop Józef Zawitkowski and ‘Blessed Mother of the Blind’ to the text by sister Damiana Laske FSK with the music by Piotr Palka.


The beatification will be transmitted in sixteen churches throughout Poland.


The Mass will be broadcast by TVP and on the Warsaw Archdiocese’s channel on YouTube.

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